Monday, February 21, 2005


Arrived in Bologna on Friday evening after walking around Venice during the day and seeing Palazzo Ducale.
The Saturday was great, and I know why I love travelling. I had gone looking for a church for the Sunday (not leaving it to the last minute like before!). No details found on the internet and the tourist office could only tell me about one non-Catholic church, which I noted. I had prayed to find somewhere, so I was particularly happy when walking down a road I found a couple of people advertising faith in Jesus - I asked which church they went to and they gave me the address and times!

I walked around Bologna some more and then in the evening I started reading a book on Smith Wigglesworth. When later I went to the supermarket I met some Spanish men who were from the hostel. We started talking and I told them a bit about the book, how God had used Smith Wigglesworth and how many people had been healed. It lead on to telling them about what I believe.

Later that night I was in my hostel room. I was sharing with 3 Italians, two of whom spoke hardly any English. I ended up in conversation with them in broken Italian, and the conversation got around to girls, and I said I didn't want to sleep with woman until I was married. They guessed from this that I was a Christian, and one of them started asking me questions about it. They seemed to believe in God, and one was interested when I showed him some verses in Galatians about not pursuing the desires of the flesh which leads to death, but having the fruit of the Spirit - love, joy, peace, etc. We had read from a Bible in old English, and between us we had managed to translate it into Italian, which I reckon required divine help! He seemed to take the words to heart and was even trying to explain the message to his friend.

On the Sunday I went to the church and even had someone sitting next to me who could speak English really well and translated for me. He even gave me a lift back to the hostel afterwards.


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