Wednesday, January 03, 2007


In the next week, four countries, three flights and a bus journey: England -> Holland -> England -> Bulgaria -> Macedonia.

On Sunday I went to Fareham to visit and at about 1am on 1/1/2007 I wasn't sure where I was going to sleep! I had prayed earlier in the evening, something like: "Lord, I feel too tired to organise something, please help me get somewhere to sleep!". In actually fact I had three offers, but for one reason or another I turned each of them down (e.g. getting in too late after a party, sleeping on the floor of a church building etc). So at the party I asked one of my friends, could I sleep there, which he was happy with. In fact, the next morning he remembered how a couple of days before he had been feeling so lonely that he prayed "Lord, please bring me some company!". So it was nice being an answer to prayer! A good start to 2007!


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