Our Wedding
There were many preparations: finding dress for Masha, suit for me, hotel, flowers, cake, transport, invitations, flowers, etc, and we were nearly exhausted by the day of the wedding.
I woke up in the morning of the wedding at about 6:30 (having gone to bed about 2am) and I looked awful - I thought "this is my wedding day and I look terrible". But somehow I cleaned up OK!
Masha, meanwhile, had only had about 3 hours sleep. We had travelled down to Ohrid the day before and had lots of last minute preparations, and then in the morning there was the make-up, hair-do's, dressing up etc. I narrowly missed seeing Masha as she came out of the hair-dressers just as I was entering.
The hotel was decked with flowers and the guests had been arriving from Skopje by a special coach. finally I was ready and together with Rob, my best man, we went out to meet people.
As I waited while the bridesmaids came down the aisle, I was rather nervous. And then, coming down the stairs into the gardens, with her begloved hand on her father's arm, came Masha, looking absolutely stunning! She looked truly like a princess, regal and beautiful.
The wedding day swum past with food, dancing, champagne, caviar, friends and family. The band who played consisted of some famous names in Macedonia, amongst the best musicians, a real treat. There was a wonderful joy about the event and the hotel staff noticed that our wedding was different and commented on it. All the plans came together so well and it was a great blessing.
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