Wednesday, July 14, 2004


Stayed quite a bit longer in Perugia. It is a nice town, with quite a lot of life, especially with the Jazz festival. I made a number of good friends, especially with the English family and with Piera from YWAM.
On Sunday (18th) I went to church (in Italian!) and was told that there was a trip to a lake to go swimming. I didn't have time to return to where I was staying, but as it happened I had packed some shorts for church that I could swim in. However, I didn't have any food for lunch and very little money on me, but I said I'd go and that God would provide. Well, I was given a bag of food that they had at the church and was also lent a towel! I know it may seem a little thing, but I've had a few occurrences of things like this where I've been given just what I needed when I needed it and it shown that God is looking after me.


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