Abraham dug wells. It was the first time anyone had dug wells in that place before and he had to put a lot of effort in to dig down to water. He was doing it by faith, believing there was water there and digging down until he found it.
There was a missionary in a remote part of China. When he arrived, there were no Christians in those tribes, they'd never heard the gospel before and some were violent towards him. He called on people in England to pray and together they believed for 100 families to be saved. It took a long time, but over 100 families were converted and it was the establishing of the church in that region.
Lighting a fire. Getting the wood together, it doesn't seem dry and it takes a long time to get the fire started. After a long period of time a flame springs up and burns for a while and then goes out again. More work. Finally another small flame comes and this time the kindling catches. More wood is added to the fire and a small blaze is produced. As more wood, this time larger branches, is added the blaze turns into a raging fire.
hello brotha! Sorry i dropped the ball on communicating. I hope and hear you are doing well.
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