The train pulled in to a station, with one building, a car and two people. The name of the place, Kisszállás, means "little place with not many inhabitants". It kind of sums up travelling for me!

I'd woken up in Belgrade, Serbia, having taken a night bus from Skopje. A short time there and on to Subotica in Voivodina (Serbia), once one of the most beautiful towns in the Hungarian plains. Meeting a Hungarian guy we toured the town and talked about God (he wasn't a Christian). My journey was so last minute (I'd been sitting talking to a friend and then suddenly I got up, packed a bag in 20 minutes and we went to the bus station together where I'd caught the bus!) and I hadn't even sorted out a definite place to stay for the night. So I took a train to Budapest in Hungary, arriving about 22:30.
A friend in Budapest, at short notice took me in and let me stay there, after they got back from a music festival (Sziget) at about 1:30 in the morning. A long and exciting day!
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