High Tatras
Having met someone fellow Brits in Bratislava, I travelled with them to the High Tatras. They were very good company. There were five in the group and they immediately included me as part of the group. The journey from Bratislava was rather circuitous, involving going through stations where the names were hard to see ("is this the right station?"), but eventually we arrived at a place called Stary Smokovec (pronounced Starry Smokovets). One of the group had booked a hostel using their mobile phone from the train. It was great to be able to share the work load amongst us - instead of having to find food, accommodation, trains etc all by myself, we were each able to do the things that were our own strong points.
The weather had been nice on the day we arrived. The following day, four of us went for a hike in the mountains. It rained! A lot! I had managed to avoid being out in heavy rain until that point, but now the waterproof mac came out (the one that folds up to credit card size (well, not quite), but which is really hard to get back that small again!). It rained some more, and as my trainers started to soak through I realised that I was possibly going to complain all day and spoil it for the other three (who had a strange determination that enabled them to almost ignore the rain). So I decided that I'd turn back before having gone too far. In the cafe I watched the rain pour down, reducing visibility of what is a beautiful area, and decided I had done the right thing.
After a lazy day I saw the others return, cold to the bone and soaked clothes. But they'd had an enjoyable time.
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