Greece and Macedonia
The time to leave Albania came so fast and on Tuesday, I headed off to Greece. The bus took about 11 hours, with maybe 2 hours taken to cross the border. I think I was the only non-Albanian on board, and I was something of celebrity, a number of people wanted to look at my passport. Some of them also took some little booklets I had in Albanian on the life of Jesus.
We arrived in Thessaloniki in the evening, and I met a man called Tommie Naumann, who plants churches in Eastern Europe and beyond, and who had invited me to come over. We had a day together, getting to know one another and then the next day we travelled to Skopje in Macedonia, where he had meetings with church leaders. They have invited me to go to Macedonia and work with the church, as they have much there they want to do. Tommie has also said he would like me to be involved in the church in Greece. I am back in Thessaloniki again (as it was a day trip to Skopje), and I feel that I am at a cross-roads in my life. So I am praying and thinking about what to do next.
I have been given more gifts of money over the last few weeks. God has generously looked after me and I still have more than I need, even after nearly 11 months since I started travelling.
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