I'm in Sofia, Bulgaria! I've come on a holiday, and already it's been interesting. Fortunately I was not left behind by the bus this time (see previous post) and arrived at the station OK. Whilst looking for an ATM, I met another British guy who welcomed having some company. We had a great day together, talking most of the time. He was interested to hear about my faith in Jesus and it was a pleasure to talk with him about it. In fact we were so intense in our conversation that we saw very little of the city. He's now gone off to Belgrade.
It's been nice to realise that I can actually communicate here - Macedonian is so similar to Bulgarian that I can talk to the people and understand their answers (mostly!). When a couple of English guys who I was with heard me speaking they said they thought I was a spy!!
As for where I go next - well, I don't even know!

God be with you
Enjoyed catching up with your blog again. Good to hear all the stuff from the week in Ohrid, especially the Alpha course - very cool.
Enjoy your travelling now. God bless,
Happy Birthday Ian!
Love Keih, Michelle, Emily and Jack XX
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