Friday, December 07, 2007

Cafe Night!

OK, I've been slow at updating my blog. Often when I have the most to write about (because I am busy), I have the least time to write it!

Last Thursday we had a cafe night with students; we'd been doing questionnaires recently and everyone who said they wanted to get involved with something we were doing, we invited. None of them came!!! However, others came and we had in total (including people from church and foreign guests) over 20 people.

Then on Tuesday at cell group one of those girls came along, and brought a friend. One of my friends at cell group told how she had grown up through difficulties and been depressed and even tried to kill herself. She had later on ended up at a Christian thing, and found herself crying because she realised how dirty she was before God, and she wanted His forgiveness. After, another girl came and offered to pray for her, and God said something to her, through this girl, which showed His love for her - how He wanted to stroke her hair to comfort her - something that was really meaningful to her, but which no-one else knew.

God used this story to reveal to the new people how much God loves them. Great!


At Fri Dec 14, 05:27:00 pm 2007, Blogger Sheamus the... said...

it was great to be there...we have posted a million pictures of you on facebook...MILLIONS!

At Mon Dec 17, 12:37:00 pm 2007, Blogger Ian Symondson said...

Ah, Shea, you have commented...! :)


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