Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Banica is a small village in the south of Macedonia, near Strumica. There are 1200 residents and earlier in the year there were about 600 of them at a screening of the Jesus film. We now have a church there of about 50 people. I went for the first time to last Wednesday - over 9 hours out from Skopje for a one and a half hour meeting! But it was worth it. There has never been a church in the village and it is all so new for them. But they are learning and experiencing God. Nearly everyone was prayed for at the meeting and lots came up to get a bible - many were asking me to sign theirs (so I put a bible reference: John 3:16). What we need is for maybe 3 people to go and live in Banica and serve the people there, instead of twice a week taking a group down from Skopje. "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Therefore, pray to the lord of the harvest to send out workers into the harvest field".


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