Thursday, July 21, 2005

Bulgaria?, Hungary and Serbia

Just before leaving England I had a request to go to Bulgaria to help with a youth camp for two days. I considered this, and although it would have been possible to do it and then go on to Macedonia later, I decided that I would be so tired I wouldn't be any use to anyone, especially as I had done a lot of travelling getting to England and within the country.
My return journey took me back through the same countries as when going to England. This time I stayed with friends in Budapest. Just as I was leaving England, there was a T-shirt that I owned that I felt I shouldn't be keeping so I gave it to someone I met. The next day I was offered a selection of T-shirts by my friend in Hungary (I hadn't told him about the other T-shirt when he first offered), and so I gained six more!
My journey from Budapest to Belgrade went quickly as I had someone to talk to, and when I arrived I discovered I had just the right amount in local currency for the coach to Skopje (I left Serbia with 5 Denar - about 5p)!


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