The Online Diary of Ian Symondson
με φοβου μονον πιστεου - fear not, just trust (Luke 8:50)
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Saturday, December 23, 2006

I've arrived in England expecting to have the same sort of culture shock that I had last year when visiting, but it hasn't really happened, except that I've felt tired all week. But Christmas in England in soooo different from in Skopje! All the lights, trees, media excitement, people in shops etc. There's been a nice atmosphere in Bromley, people seem to have been quite happy, especially on the first day I went to the shops. Christmas isn't all bad! And most important it is, of course, a celebration of Jesus' birthday, and that is worth celebrating.
Thursday, December 21, 2006

In Skopje I sometimes get comments from people about the weather making me "feel at home" (i.e. like that in England) - especially with the fog that has been hanging over Skopje for about 3 weeks. Some seem to think it's always foggy in London (blame TV series like Sherlock Holmes for that I guess). Needless to say I assure everyone that London doesn't get much fog these days.
So I've been in England for three days and there's been fog each day! My flight was redirected to Birmingham due to fog. British Airways has stopped all domestic flights at Heathrow due to fog. Hmmm...
(By the way, the picture above is not actually fog...!)