Thursday, February 08, 2007

The Virus

The computer was infected. Connected to others in the network, it went about utilising their weaknesses and infecting them as well. They became compromised and vulnerable to further attacks.

Then I realised! Having spent hours tracking down the viruses and trying to clean up the computers, I saw the spiritual parallels. Like a network of computers, a community of people can be open to receiving both good things and bad things from one another. We need a firewall around us to protect us from attacks from the outside. But if we are already infected inside, we may be infecting one another in the group through their vulnerabilities.

We each need to have an antivirus program 'installed' in us - first to clean up the infections that are already in there, and repair us, and secondly to protect us from further infections. The spiritual viruses in our lives come about by wrong thinking and wrong beliefs, which make us malfunction. "Be transformed by the renewing of your minds" (Rom 12:2) - we need the pure truth of God's word in our lives (John 8:31-32) that can show up the problems (James 1:22-25), clean us (Eph 5:26), and protect us from further problems (Eph 6:13-14).

One of the viruses I've found in my life had been causing me problems. I was looking to others to make me happy and so if things went wrong, I felt down. Now I see that "rejoice in the Lord always" (Phil 4:4) means that I can find my strength and joy direct from God, in every moment. This is good protection from attack and viruses.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Низ Македонија

The day started in Skopje, and was to include a lot of travelling. I had volunteered to be part of the group going around Macedonia to encourage believers in various towns. After the morning meeting in Skopje, we drove to Veles and met with two of the leaders there.

From there to Kavardarci and meeting with a couple of Roma Christians who have a church meeting in there front room (which is about 3 metres by 5 metres), at which they get about 30 children! We met later with another Christian, then a brief drop in to a couple who told us they are atheists, but who were really interesting people to spend time with!

Down to Gevgelia, where we were at the evening meeting, and Zoran preached. The others stayed there the night, while Zoran and I went down to Thessaloniki in Greece and spent the night there!!! (that's a long way to go for the night).

Next day, back to Gevgelia after an early morning meeting with Tommie in Thessaloniki, then to Bitola, where we met two more believers who have recently started meeting together and were in need of encouragement.

Afterwards to Struga, via Ohrid, having dinner with some from the church there.

Finally we went to Gostivar, and held a meeting there with a group of enthusiastic and persecuted Christians in that town. This was about the only place where I spoke at all!! I met a girl there who is a student in Skopje and is enthusiastic about being involved in the student work with us here.

And then back to Skopje. Whew!

Thursday, February 01, 2007


The wind roared and the rain beat down, but the house was not moved because it had good foundations. I have had a rather stressful few weeks, like being in a storm. Yesterday was the closest I have felt to being in a depression for quite a while. But the solution is to have my house built on solid foundations. To trust in God and not be moved; to hear Jesus' words and put them into practice (Matt 7:24-29). God is near to those who call on Him. It's hit me how much of the Bible has been written for and by people who are having a hard time.

Today the sun is shining again...